Misson Statement

Mission Statement
Earth Servant is an offering of information for the public. The goal is empowerment. Through recipes, curriculum, homesteading basics, earth-care know how, peasantry life and food sovereignty, may this information help in some way.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Alternative Lenders

Young Farmers Joining Forces with Alternative Lenders.

Eliza and Nick find themselves on another farm
Access to fertile healthy land is an obstacle for young people seeking alternative ways to create honest earth based living. It seems unethical that land access could require so much money for someone who wants to care for it. If you lack a trust fund or have no family financial support it can feel impossible to acquire. Take me as a case study. I have invested all my energy into the pursuit of growing food for myself and community. I have been at it for 6 years, growing vegetables and caring for animals on whatever land I can get permission to use. This has led me to a variety of situations that all are rooted in other peoples land and generosity. Growing small market gardens in backyards has proven to be a wonderful education in establishing gardens that work. As I plod ahead into the world of providing veggies and animal products to the community, I keep running into a common roadblock; not being a land owner limit's me (the grower) to the mercy of social situations not working out. A grower who stewards the land of another is subject to a lack of land access security.

What is the answer to land access for people pursuing a life of small scale alternative farming?

Mossy Oak Garden, Ruch OR
When pursuing alternative farming there isn't much hope in gaining support from capitalism. Namely Banks. Banks, which are created by the big scale corporations are only friendly to big scale economic practices. It's saddening that agriculture has become one of the most polluting industries in the world, we shouldn't have to pollute in order to grow food. It's unfortunate that mega scale farming has eliminated small farms nearly to the point of extinction in this country. And though small farms do exist, they don't thrive in the economical sense. Most small farms mimic conventional agricultural practices, even organic farms often times practice conventional modern plow-till-plant-fertilize methods. These practices are defined by use of machines to pulverize the earth to create  input-dependent growing methods that ultimately depletes the soil and subjects it to erosion, compaction, and less fertility.

This type of farming is the only kind recognized by capitalism, and the only kind they are willing to fund. Thus, if you go to a bank looking for a loan on a 5 acre homestead/ alternative farm, you'll be laughed at. The most likely way to acquire land access for small scale alternative farming methods that aim to care for the earth is through alternative lenders i.e. people in the community who have acquired wealth and are looking to diversify investments 

Young's Little Farm, Prescott AZ
Networking is important to bringing these two parties together. Lenders with dreamers who have demonstrated the ability to bring land into fertility and feeds the community. Ideally the people caring for the land and growing food wouldn't have to go into debt in order to provide such a service. Maybe there are even people who want to sponsor young visionary farmers who need land and not even make them pay back with anything but the food that is produced. We must create a way to connect alternative lenders with such farmers to allow for investments in food security and future generations.  

Another reason this is such a great way to go about land access is it unifies people in community. By becoming a lender you create opportunities to ensure there are reliable systems in place that will feed you and your great grandchildren.

If you happen to be in the position to be an alternative lender and you are looking to invest in the future by financing opportunities that can help carve out a better long-term earth care plan. Please let us know as we are looking to create our dream, which is a center for earth-care-methods that sustain small community food availability. It's time to make a change, invest in the future. Earth care is needed.

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