Misson Statement

Mission Statement
Earth Servant is an offering of information for the public. The goal is empowerment. Through recipes, curriculum, homesteading basics, earth-care know how, peasantry life and food sovereignty, may this information help in some way.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Using All The Veggies From Your CSA

This is meant to serve as a guide to help you figure out what to do with all those less common veggies that you get in your CSA (community supported agriculture) box or from the farmers market. If you don't know what a CSA is I urge you to look into it as it is a method for small farms to be supported.

The first category I would like to dive into is Greens. Greens include a wide variety of different veggies that you will find in your weekly box. I have heard often and from many that they are unsure of how to go through all the greens that are in the box. To this, my answer is, we need to begin to change our idea's about amounts of veggies we consume. The average american citizen is malnourished do to there lack of consuming a lot of veggies and in particular the lack of greens. Greens, all greens have highly beneficial nutrients that our bodies crave. It is my belief that people who eat some kale or spinach every once and a while think that they are getting all of that good nutrients. The fact is a few leaves here and there aren't going to suffice in the body's needs for the nutrients of this special food. People need to eat more greens. More greens equals healthier body and mind. Highly processed foods need to be weened from our diet if we want to experience our true vitality.

Suggestions that may lead you towards feeling better:

Vital Massaged Greens

  • When you find greens in your box, (this includes kale, chard, collards, turnip greens, beet greens, broccoli greens, etc. etc.) take all of it and chop it up put into bowl and massage it hard to break down the fibers a bit to make it more tender. Be rough with this part.
  • Add a good squeeze of lemon, a good sprinkle of salt, a couple splashes of apple cider vinegar, and a couple splashes of olive oil, other chopped veggies you like and a few spoonfuls of yogurt. Toss in bowl till it is all evenly combined. 
  • Let stand in refrigerator for a couple hours and eat whenever hungry
 This meal will create vitality and nourish the body by providing important micro-nutrients. This type of food should be eaten daily and in large quantity. It will last in the fridge for a week or longer and just get better. This is also a great salad for a potluck where you can share in the beauty of eating nutrient rich food. By providing such opportunities you are caring for the earth simply by sharing healthy practices. Healthy, well nourished body's support healthy minds. Greens may just be the revolution our country needs. Start now I can assure you that as you continue to make greens a daily meal your life will become more vibrant. You will glow with vitality.

By eating this you become infused with plant energy making communication to all plants better.
You will want to begin growing your own so you can always have an abundance of energy nearby.
Eat more Greens for a better planet.

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