Misson Statement

Mission Statement
Earth Servant is an offering of information for the public. The goal is empowerment. Through recipes, curriculum, homesteading basics, earth-care know how, peasantry life and food sovereignty, may this information help in some way.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cultivating Spirituality in the Garden

A garden is so much more than we can even begin to imagine. Tending a space on the earth is a direct link to our origins and ancestry no matter who we are. By planting seeds and raising crops we tune into natures cycles, we begin to see our connection to the seasons, and we begin to worship the power of the universe that creates the earth. Each garden becomes a temple, a piece of all our ancestors, a space that deserves respect and gratitude for being and for feeding us. The garden becomes more fruitful when it is honored as a temple for life and existence.

Disconnection from the basics has guided the modern world and it's modern societies towards shallow rooted ways. We need to remember that we, as a society are extremely young and it's turning out we are extremely damaging for the short amount of time we have existed. We have become a society that is rootless and at the mercy of a faulty non-long-term-based system.
Mossy Oak Temple and Food Garden

Re-connection to how the earth cares for us through participation in the creation of food we depend on, is a pathway to spiritual existence. To seek spirituality, acknowledge the divinity of existence and understand that we are here because we are connected and not aliens to this planet. Spiritual pursuit is about finding purpose and self discovery, developing a practice that connects us to home. The garden fulfills that purpose, we are earth stewards and we are dependent on the earth for our ability to continue living. The better we care for our home and the more respect we have for all life and elements, the richer and more purpose we will feel as earth inhabitants.

Rituals in the garden are obvious and happen every year. By planting, watering, weeding, harvesting and eating we become busy living in our rituals. We develop an awareness of the seasons, we know the path of the sun and moon, we pay closer attention to weather patterns, all this brings us to a realization that we exist in a mysterious and unbelievable miracle. To have the freedom to care for the earth is a direct link to the depth of spirit the soul desires.

By empowering ourselves through earth care practice we liberate our selves to a greater connection. A garden is a place to be of service to the greater forces that parent us all. With a garden we have the strength of nature in us. Join in the movement of earth service through planting gardens that serve as temples that help guide us with rituals and service.
Let your gate be the doorway to the temple of your connection to earth.

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