Misson Statement

Mission Statement
Earth Servant is an offering of information for the public. The goal is empowerment. Through recipes, curriculum, homesteading basics, earth-care know how, peasantry life and food sovereignty, may this information help in some way.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Juicing Greens for Ultimate Nutrition

Kale, Chard, Collards, Beet Greens, Turnip Greens, any and all hardy greens from the garden, farm or market can add great benefits to your veggie juice. Be sure to use more than a leaf or to, it is my suggestion to be unafraid to use bundles at a time. Combine with carrots apples ginger and if you are a sweet freak add some honey or maple sugar to the mix. Make this a regular practice and I can assure you many benefits.

There are so many benefits to juicing. There is no other way to concentrate so much nutrients into a glass from fresh whole foods. One of the major problems with health in this modern world is lack of nutrients. This exists for many reasons but one is simply not consuming enough raw nutrient rich produce. Greens and roots are the answer to balancing this problem out. Another problem that leads to poor health is toxicity. Hardy greens support liver function and health. By juicing we can begin to address lack of nutrients and toxicity. This is the path to prevention of serious illness.

Another benefit of juicing is pulp. The left over pulp is a perfect byproduct that can serve many functions at home. One of those being soil building. Add pulp to compost or a worm bin. Because it is so finely broken down it is available to micro organisms immediately and will break down into plant food at a very rapid rate. Another benefit is it can be added to animal food to increase fiber and nutrients. Pulp from juicing can be added to dog food, thrown to chickens, fed to pigs etc..

Keep exploring Greens and all the ways to use them. It's time to create health and reduce our need to consume food products that have had all the nutrients processed out of them. Reduce your need for industrial food products. Figure out ways to acquire as many greens as you can from a local farm or garden. Be sure the growing methods of your food are without chemicals to ensure care for your body and this Earth, one in the same.

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